Got a little behind on sharing my Instagram pictures.. These are from the last 2 weeks!
1. Found this at Sams Club! Who doesn't love Olive Garden's salad dressing!?
2. Sister was not happy about PT obviously :)
3. Speech Evaluation. She did really well & she does qualify for therapy.
4. You can tell from this post I love sleeping babies!! I just love everything about this picture.
5. Sweet girl
6. OT evaluation (last week) She qualifies for OT 2 days a week! Yes they are hanging her off the side of a bench :)
7. Another sleepy pic!
8. AND another! LOVE this one..
9. More from her OT evaluation.. she did so well!
10. Isabella's PT has been coming to the house this week for therapy since we are not taking her out until surgery. Xander was doing PT with his dog!! so sweet! :)
11. This is what our living room looks like most days! Isabella is only three months old and her toys are already taking over!! Xander better watch out ;)
12. Took the kids for a walk and Xander wanted to push the double stroller toward the end.. it was so cute.. until he crashed!!
13. I love this silly boy!
14. Tummy Time Fail!
15. Xander putting beads on a string.
16. Life is so hard! ;)
I hope everyone has a great weekend!! This time next week we will be waiting to see Isabella after her surgery!