Its been a while since my last post... hopefully I can keep it going this time!! I will pick up where I left off... our wedding! Yes we eloped, and it was probably one of the best decisions we ever made. After we were married we went home to GA we told our family and friends that we were married!! After they had a minute to digest the news we dropped another bomb... that we were moving to Los Angeles in 1 month! Needless to say this exciting news made for a very interesting Christmas!
We moved to Manhattan Beach in 2007 which was AMAZING!! We were literally 2 blocks from the beach! We lived in MB for about 6 months and then moved to the next town over El Segundo. It wasn't nearly as nice as Manhattan Beach, but we did have more room and a 2 car garage!!
James worked at Los Angeles Air Force Base which was about 1 mile from where we lived in El Segundo. I was a full time nanny in Manhattan Beach for the cutest kids ever!! I still miss them! We had a great time in Los Angeles, but we hated it at the same time. James knew he wanted to get out of the military after his 4 year commitment was up so he started looking for a job towards the end of our stay in California. We had our hearts and mind set on moving to Georgia, Tennessee, or Texas, but the Lord had other plans for us because we ended up in Arkansas!
The first box was our first apartment, then the view from across the street, then James in his uniform (that is the only picture I have of him in uniform while we were in Cali!) then the cuties I nannied for!!
Year in Review 2024
2 months ago